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Seven days in Poland

The humanitarian crisis on Polish border continues: last weekend the Border Group, a collective of a dozen of human rights organizatiosn, reported about a dozen more people who were found in the forests near Hajnówka. Activists and medics helped them on the spot. Some people were taken to guard posts, and one group disappeared from the activists’ radar. We do not know what happened to them or where they are staying.

On 16.10 the Border Guard brought a mother with 6 children to the hospital in Hajnówka. The woman stayed in hospital because her condition required medical intervention and the children were taken to the Border Guard post in Narewka. They will probably wait there for the mother’s return, at this point we do not know what procedures will be applied to this family.

The next report was a Kurdish family from Iraq, along with three minors. After visiting the hospital, they were taken to the Border Guard facility in Białowieża, where the lawyers were not allowed in because Białowieża is in a state of emergency zone. The entire family has asked for asylum in Poland, but to this day we have no information from the Border Guard as to their status or whether their asylum applications have been accepted.

Kilkanaście osób, w tym dzieci i kobieta w ciąży, zatrzymani przez Straż Graniczną na Podlasiu

Last days saw dozens of polls ordered by various portals and media. There are small differences, but the dominant direction is clearly visible: The United Right (Zjednoczona Prawica) is doing well. The left should look for rescue.

Especially worrying for them is the latest poll – CBOS, quoted by In the survey, if the elections were held this Sunday, the Law and Justice Party would record the best results. 35 percent of respondents would vote for them. This is 1 percent more than a month ago. The Civic Coalition would be supported by 15 percent of potential voters. Coalition led by Donald Tusk has fallen by 1 percent, and in this research it feels the breath of Poland2050 by Szymon Holownia – 11 percent. 6 percent would vote for Konfederacja. This is the last party, which would enter the Sejm. The others would not cross the electoral threshold: The Left – 4 percent of support, PSL- Poland Coalition – 2 percent and Jaroslaw Gowin’s Agreement – 1 percent.

Sondaże z ostatnich dni: PiS na górze, Lewica poza Sejmem?

Despite the fierce debate in the European Parliament about the judiciary, it is not the rule of law that is the cause of shame for Poland. It is the fact that 2 million (!) Poles live in extreme poverty. And 15.7 million Poles live below the social minimum. The social minimum, if somebody asks, is 1251,51 PLN per month. That is 41 PLN per day, or less than 10 euros. These 15.7 million (41 percent) of our fellow citizens live below this amount. How?

Prawdziwy powód do wstydzenia się za Polskę

What’s more „Poverty Watch 2021” prepared by EAPN Poland, or the Polish Committee of the European Anti-Poverty Network, led by Ryszard Szarfenberg, PhD, has published shocking data. More and more Poles live in extreme poverty. This applies mainly to children and seniors.

„In 2020, the extent of extreme poverty increased from 4.2 to 5.2 percent, and relative poverty decreased from 13 to 11.8 percent. The latter fact is not positive, as it results from a decrease in average spending in society during the pandemic.”- reads the report.

Poverty affects children and seniors the most. The number of children in extreme poverty increased by about 98,000 – from 313,000 in 2019 to 410,000 in 2020. If they were to be less than 1 percent, which should be the government’s goal, that number should not be higher than 62,000. To achieve this, the extent of extreme poverty of children would have to decrease by 85 percent. Meanwhile, the number of seniors living in extreme poverty is already up to 312 thousand, increasing by almost 50 thousand people since last year. When it comes to children, poverty is also understood as lack of access to adequate individual development. It is about access to transport, culture, sports and leisure, i.e. not only about strictly subsistence issues, but also about enabling children and young people to develop.

Skrajne ubóstwo wśród dzieci i seniorów rośnie, mówi raport „Poverty Watch Polska 2021”

Piotr Moniuszko, chairman of the Free Trade Union of Postal Workers, was reinstated at work by the court. The Polish Post fired him two years ago for a Facebook post.

Związkowiec Piotr Moniuszko wygrał w sądzie z Pocztą Polską. Przywrócony do pracy, zapowiada dalszą walkę

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