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Seven days in Poland

On 26th October, at a press conference Jarosław Kaczyński together with Minister Mariusz Blaszczak presented ambitious plans to enlarge and modernise the Polish army.  The bill 'On defending the homeland’ is to be an incentive to join the ranks of the army.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski spoke about the plans to prepare a new act already in September. Now, together with the Minister of National Defense Mariusz Blaszczak, he announced that the bill is ready – although it is not possible to read it yet, and both men answered only a few questions from journalists. They denied that a small and well-armed army is the key to national security – in the face of the dangers lurking around us, we needed, according to them, not only a well-armed one, but a huge one. And there is even money for it: apart from the State Budget, which is always generous to the army, the gentlemen are planning to reach for the National Bank of Poland coffers and BGK bonds.

Wielka Polska oblężona. Błaszczak i Kaczyński prezentują ustawę o obronie ojczyzny

A few days after the death of a 30-year-old patient who died as a result of infection after fetal demise, the hospital in Pszczyna published a statement and the case is being investigated by the prosecution. Was the medical error caused by the doctors’ fear of terminating the pregnancy?

Were the doctors waiting for the fetus to die, doing nothing to save the woman?

– The doctors waited for the fetus to die. The fetus died, the patient died. She went into septic shock. This is the second similar case in recent times. In both, the source of the life-threatening condition for the pregnant women was septic shock, associated with premature outflow of the fetal waters before the 23rd week of pregnancy. Both patients lost their pregnancies. One of them died – says Jolanta Budzowska, attorney for the family of the deceased in an interview with Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. 

Dlaczego 30-latka musiała umrzeć? „Lekarze czekali na obumarcie płodu”

A ban on Equality Marches, a ban on „propaganda of homosexuality” or a ban on using „religious symbols and objects connected with the practice of religious rites in a way that may offend the religious feelings of others, including through their artistic processing”. Such a bill was supported by PiS and Confederation MPs.

A vote was held in the Sejm on 29th of October on the „Stop LGBT” civic bill submitted by Kaja Godek and the Life and Family Foundation. Despite the deeply anti-democratic and anti-civil rights nature of the idea, it was sent for further work in the Parliamentary committees.

Projekt „STOP LGBT” zyskał aprobatę większości Sejmowej. Dzięki PiS-owi i Konfederacji

No changes at the Polish-Belarusian border. Corn is ripe. Farmers in Podlasie are beginning to harvest their crops. For two days, a video has been circulating on the Internet showing a family hiding in a cornfield and running away from a huge combine harvester.

Six people, two children. They run across the meadow in panic, tipping over, dragging the children behind them. The film is recorded by the driver of the combine harvester. The footage was viewed by almost 170 thousand people. The ability to comment has been disabled.

W Hajnówce bez zmian [reportaż]

On the 11th of November Warsaw is expecting another demonstration of Polish and European fascist organizations.The Polish Independence Day is not going to be different from previous ones. The ruling of the court is not going to change that. 

Licencja na rozrabianie. Czy Robert Bąkiewicz jest poza prawem?

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