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Seven days in Poland

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Being an independent left-wing portal, we continued our struggle to break through to the mainstream media with information about the left in Poland and the world.

We noted with joy that the actions of extreme nationalists in Poland do not go unpunished. For many years, nationalists have gathered annually in the village of Hajnówka in north-eastern Poland. In this way they commemorate the anniversary of the genocidal murder of the local Orthodox villagers by Romulad Rajs, pseudonym 'Bury’. The bandit, who presented himself as a 'cursed soldier’ fighting against communism, killed 72 people, including several children and women. Even the right-wing Institute of National Remembrance considered it 'an action bearing signs of genocide’, but then changed its mind.

The left goes to Hajnówka every year to oppose the nationalist historical narrative in a counter-demonstration.

A report to the prosecutor’s office was filed by Poland’s Ombudsman, Adam Bodnar. The public prosecutor’s office, after attempts to reject the report, finally undertook an investigation.

Pokadencyjne zwycięstwo Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich. Hajnowscy nacjonaliści pod sąd

We also informed our readers about the fight of the German left in Berlin for minimum rents. This is important for Polish citizens, as they are still at mercy of property developers, whose practices regarding rents and bending regulations against the interests of tenants are completely unpunished.

Berlin: walka o niższe czynsze trwa. Lewica po stronie lokatorów

The Polish right wing ensures at every step that it defends human rights. That is why it opposes abortion and is against the LGBT movement. It turns out that it is also against freedom of speech. Although the 66-year-old man who wrote on the banner that 'we have a fool for President’ was acquitted, the prosecution appealed, and the appeal court decided to reconsider the case. This is a clear restriction of civil rights.

Napis „Mamy durnia za prezydenta” to nie wolność słowa? Zdecyduje łódzki Sąd Okręgowy

The right-wing opposition in Poland is fighting to return to power by all means. Recently, one of the prominent politicians of the liberal right, Rafał Trzaskowski, started collecting signatures for a legal project liquidating one of the programmes of public television. It is clear that public television, which is in the hands of the ruling right, is neither objective nor reliable. But Trzaskowski does not understand that he is calling for the destruction of the public medium.

Trzaskowski chce likwidacji mediów publicznych

The ruling right-wing has subjugated the judiciary and prosecutorial power. That is why it feels completely unpunished. Although the most important control body in Poland, the Supreme Chamber of Control, has filed reports against the highest-ranking state officials and had strong grounds for doing so, there will be no investigation. This was decided by the prosecutor’s office, which is subordinate to the government.

Doniesienie NIK nic nie dało: śledztwa nie będzie

We drew attention to the meeting of the highest authorities of the ruling party with representatives of far-right movements and parties from Europe.

Faszyzującej rodziny warszawskie spotkanie

We also unambiguously negatively assessed the dreams of the right-wing opposition to have the former Prime Minister of Poland, then head of the European Council Donald Tusk, return to politics. Such plans only prove that the Polish liberal right has not understood anything from two consecutive elections lost to the populist right.

Błędny Tusk na kulawym koniu

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